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Jinnianhui Work Conference 2019

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  • time:2019-02-15
  • Sheer endeavor for fruitful achievements, undaunted courage for a new adventure. On January 5 to 6, Jinnianhui convened the work conference 2019 themed with “Concentration, Cultivation and Maturation”. The staffs from the Headquarter and subsidiary companies gathered in Shanghai office reviewing the work in 2018 and looking into the development trend and strategy in 2019.

    Jinnianhui concentrates on the energy sector anddeeply cultivates the “Three Musketeers” businesses of chemical, environmentand electricity. The two-day work conference analyzed and discussed the keyprojects and businesses of these three major fields that CEO Zhu Haixing, President Duan Yulin and Vice Chairman Wen Duan respectively summarized the overall situation, reviewed the macroeconomic situation in 2018, clarified theorientations and development paths of all businesses in 2019, and made arrangement of key assignments of group in 2019. The Secretary of PartyCommittee Zhang Jin also made a presentation of party committee work titled “AmbitiousAspiration, Pragmatic Workstyle” and proposed in 2019 the group would fullyimplement the spirit of 19thCPC National Congress and give fullplay to the leading role of CPC building.

    President Duan Yulin stressed in the annual workreport that Jinnianhui in 2018 persisted in the guidance of Thoughts on Socialismwith Chinese Characteristics for a New Era proposed by Chinese President XiJinping and with the support of China Perfect Machinery Industry Holdings Co.,Ltd., follow the requirements on quality development of SINOMACH Group,implemented the overall work thoughts of 2018, overcame difficulties witharduous effort and achieved a new level of corporate development. In 2019,Jinnianhui will continue the innovation-driven and top-quality development, followthe Three-year Rolling Development Planof 2018-2020, set the foothold of operational and budgetary plans of 2019and promote the sound and sustainable development of group.

    The success relies on the commitment,surveillance and implementation. To promote and guarantee the scheduled implementation of planning and visions in the upcoming year, Jinnianhui Chairman Liu Bin and the directors of three major businesses signed on the documents of objective responsibilities of 2019 so as to perform all assignments in a regulated manner.

     To encourage employees by excellent exemplary workers, the group granted awards of Model Workers, New Prominent Employees, Model Units, Excellent Party Members, Excellent Party Workers and Excellent Grass-rootParty Organizations of 2018. These awarded excellent units and individuals are expected to play a leading role and make more contribution to the group’s sustainable development.

    Chairman Liu Bin made an important presentation themed with “Concentration, Cultivation andMaturation”. He reviewed the difficulties incurred in the past year andstressed that Jinnianhui would continue improving the Party's work style and building cleaner organization to ensure the “growth in an orderly manner”. “Concentration, Cultivation and Maturation” is the brand new philosophy of future development, which significantly changes the theme of “Exploration, Expansion, Survival” ofthe past decade and is necessary to the future sound and sustainable development of group. In 2019 and the following decade, Jinnianhui will concentrate on the advantageous projects and businesses, carefully cultivatethe full lifecycle management of projects, improve and strengthen the operation management and control, and thus create better platform and space for the growth of both enterprise and employees.

    “Executive dialog” is one of the features of annual work conference of Jinnianhui that provides an opportunity of direct communication between employees and executives. All participating employees can interact with the executives via online questions and on-site questions. In the dialog, the employees raised their confusions in work and the most concernedissues of corporate and personal development that were answered by the executives, who also explained the dynamic adjustment of strategic layout andquick response to the industry and market changes. All the participants were talking freely and giving advice that effectively enhanced the internal communication and exchange of ideas and created a good environment of dialog.

    We should make further progress on the record ofmerits. The year of 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China. It is critical to the building of a well-off society in anall-round way and a year of Jinnianhui of “Concentration, Cultivation and Maturation”. In this year all Jinnianhui employees will work boldly and passionately to turnthe dreams into reality.

    Enterprise journal

    Address:2nd Floor, Bldg.E No.1715 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China
    FAX:86-31761074815 Postcode:200061

    Record number: Jin ICP No.14007037

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